Nichkhun 6日在自己的twitter中寫道:“有人寬慰,有人悲傷,有人憤怒,也有人只是很感謝每個星期六晚上得到的歡笑。我們都知道某一天會走到終點,但是美好的回憶和友情將長存。我只是很感謝1年零3個月以來得到的支持,希望美好的記憶能夠延續。感謝大家所有的愛和支持。”
另一方面,“我們結婚了”為了填補Nichkhun-Victoria和David O-權莉世的空缺計畫投入新的couple。
(Nichkhun英語原文:Some are relieved, some are sad, some are furious, and some are just thankful for the good laughters and smiles every saturday evening. We all knew all along that at some point this was going to end, but the good memories and friendship will never die. I am but thankful for all the support we’ve received for over a year and 3months. We only hope that what will last are the good memories. Thank you always for all your love and support.)